Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Alibi Schmalibi, Part III

Before we begin, I'd like to give a big THANK YOU to the many hundreds of readers who have been following this blog, and also to those who have taken the time to leave comments. Kyron's sweet smile has obviously affected a lot of decent, caring people, and I know we all want the same thing: ANSWERS. Let's hope we get those soon.

But I digress.

Earlier, I posted my ongoing thoughts about the e-mails Terri sent on June 5, 2010, portions of which were later published by KATU news. Like many of you, I've been fascinated with these e-mails because they are one of the few times in this case that we've heard from Terri personally. (Not counting the fake profiles she uses to post online - but we'll discuss that later.) This context is important. Terri's supporters like to claim that Kyron's disappearance was part of some vast, Kaine-and/or-Desiree-led conspiracy to frame poor, innocent, witch-hunted Terri for a horrible crime; that Kaine controls the media and law enforcement, etc. That's why it's important that these e-mails are not media interpretations of anything. These, my friends, are Terri's own words. And they speak volumes.

When last we spoke, Terri had just left young Kyron alone in a "chaotic" school hallway - despite having been told just a day earlier by her doctor that he was having "mini seizures." Terri says:

"Kids saw him after I left. Teacher put him as absent at 10am. Someplace between 9-10 is when we think it happened."

If there are verified reports of kids (or anyone, for that matter) seeing Kyron after Terri's self-reported departure time of 9:00 a.m. then this information has not been released. There is one boy (I will call him TP because he's a minor) who reported seeing Kyron around 8:45 a.m. - which would have been before Terri left the school (unless she's lying about when she left). Another, older, boy (TK) reports seeing Kyron in the gym that morning, but was asked by investigators not to publicly disclose the exact time. Either way, apparently investigators do not have a confirmed sighting of Kyron at the school after Terri's departure, since they have repeatedly stated she was the last person to see him.

"I have a receipt showing I was checking out at Fred Meyer 7 miles away at 9:12 a.m.  I went to another FM looking for meds for Kitty they didn't have at the first FM.  Then I was trying to get Kitty to sleep in the truck for a few minute, but no go, so off to the gym at 11:20.  Out at 12:20.  Home at 12:45.  Kaine home at 2.  Bus at 3:30.  That was my day - they keep asking me.  Now on my 5th interview with them..."

There have been endless discussions online about what Terri says in this statement...discussions about recalled medications, or the wisdom of driving a sick baby around on rural roads for 90 minutes,  or why a concerned mother would then take the sick baby to the gym daycare, why Kaine came home early, etc. etc. etc.  We can discuss these at a later date, but today I'd like to point out something very obvious that Terri is doing in this statement: she is building her alibi.

Please remember, dear reader, that this e-mail was written just 24 hours after Kyron had disappeared. Terri, in her own words, was on her "5th interview" with investigators.  And yet, Terri not only shows no concern for her missing child - she also seems to feel the need to explain in detail her timeline that day.  Again, a show of hands please: what innocent person would be concerned with such details so soon after her son had gone missing?  Why did she feel the need to insert exact times into this message?  

Perhaps my friend and fellow Kyron supporter Richard Cranium said it best in his recent "Smoke & Mirrors, Part 10" post on this very topic. Richard, I hope you don't mind me quoting you here:

"This is what this part of her email tells LE. It's rehearsed. She should only give times to LE when she is asked for them. She wouldn't give a detailed time account to a friend if she were innocent."

Or, to put it even more bluntly: who writes like that?! She is writing her alibi here, clear as day! There is no other logical explanation for it.

But here's the big problem. No matter what she says, no matter how she explains it, her alibi makes no sense. To summarize:

"They are blaming me in the blogs!"
"How do you mess that up?" 
Where's the concern for Kyron?  
Why is she trying to place blame on Mrs. Porter?
Makes no sense!

"It was highly chaotic - had to been 300 people running around..."
"...he's been acting really weird.  Starting off into space. Can't remember anything."
"The doc thinks that he is having mini seizures..."
"I watched him walk down the hall."
Why did she leave him in a chaotic hallway if he was having mini seizures?  
Why didn't she tell Kaine or Desiree about the seizures?  
Would a doctor even make such a diagnosis over the phone?
Makes no sense!

"I have a receipt....9:12 a.m."
"Gym at 11:20.  Out at 12:20.  Home at 12:45."
"Kaine home at 2.  Bus at 3:30."
Why is she giving such a detailed timeline in an e-mail just a day after Kyron disappeared?  
Why so rehearsed?  
Makes no sense!

Alibi, Schmalibi!!!

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