Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Top Ten "Red Flags" Pointing to Dede Spicher's Involvement (Part Deux)

"Absolutely, without a doubt, with all my heart I know that she [Terri Horman] did it.  I think she was working with one, or possibly two people...We know at least Dede Spicher."
Desiree Young, speaking on June 4, 2015

Well folks, I gotta be honest.  After writing that last blog entry I felt quite nauseated at the growing realization that Dede Spicher was, quite possibly, Terri Horman's accomplice.  It's hard to imagine that a person could assist in such a crime, but it's certainly not unheard of.  You see, I was on the "Dede fence" for quite some time.  But when I really started looking at the evidence there was no denying that she could very likely be up to her eyeballs in this horrid case.  And when, on the fifth anniversary of Kyron's disappearance, I heard his mother Desiree state her belief that Dede was indeed involved in this crime, I realized I had to finish this list.  And so, we continue with the red flags...

Dede exiting the courthouse after appearing before the Grand Jury.
AKA "the smirk seen 'round the world."  

The first three red flags were posted earlier; but here's a synopsis, followed by four more red flags you may find intriguing.

1) Terri Horman and Dede Spicher were both unaccounted for at the same time on the day of Kyron's disappearance. 

2) Terri and Dede went to great lengths to conceal their conversations from law enforcement, even going so far as to using cash to purchase disposable phones.

3) In a 2013 deposition regarding her knowledge of the crime, Dede invoked her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination 142 times.

4) Just like Terri, Dede would not cooperate with law enforcement as they investigated Kyron's disappearance - even though she and Terri were in "close communication" and Dede could possibly have had information to help shed light on Kyron's location.  According to Kyron's mother, Desiree Young, just a few weeks after the disappearance Dede was "refusing to cooperate" with law enforcement.  In her 2013 interview with an obscure pro-Terri blog, Dede even proudly admitted that she refused to take a lie detector test. 

"She's the only witness in this entire episode that...has lawyered up and is actually trying to negotiate with the District Attorney as to when and how she is going go testify to the Grand Jury.  For somebody that's got nothing to hide, that's unusual."
Bruce McCain, former Captain, Multnomah County Sheriff's Department

5) Despite Dede's lack of cooperation, law enforcement apparently had plenty to be suspicious about.  They ultimately had enough reason to suspect she was hiding something that they were able to obtain warrants to search her condo, the property where she claimed to have been gardening on the morning Kyron disappeared, and even the property of her own aunt.  They also distributed a flyer seeking information on Dede's whereabouts on the day Kyron disappeared.  In fact, besides Terri Horman, Dede Spicher is the only other person of interest whose image has appeared on an official law enforcement flyer in this investigation.  

Besides Terri Horman, Dede Spicher is the only other person in the search for Kyron
whose image has appeared on an official law enforcement flyer.  

6) Dede claims that she signed an immunity deal with prosecutors.  Now, dear reader, I ask you: why would someone with no involvement in a crime need an immunity deal?  In fact, according toOregon law, in order for a person to receive immunity that person has to have knowledge of, or be involved in, a criminal act.  Let that sink in.  Merely by acknowledging she has an immunity deal in Kyron's disappearance, Dede herself is admitting that she either knows something about it or was actually involved in it.  Sobering, isn't it?  

 "Don't you think though if the DA offered her an immunity deal that they would have released some official document or had a presser or something to let the public know? The only people that have ever said she was cleared was DD and Blink."
Anonymous Kyron supporter

7) Dede has a history of seemingly bizarre behavior that caused at least one former friend to call the Kyron Horman tipline as soon as he became aware that her name had been associated with the case.  "My mouth was agape..." recalled Dede's ex-boyfriend Jason Wishert.  "I thought, Oh my gosh, there's two things that investigators should look at."  And in a now-deleted blog entryprior to Kyron's disappearance, Dede bragged - in detail - about petsitting a dog, locking him for hours in a laundry room, and (after he had tried to claw his way out and became bloodied in the process) complaining about having to clean up the mess.  Sadly I can't find a copy of the original blog now, but it was quite disturbing and it certainly made me wonder about what this woman might be capable of if she would allow an innocent dog to be badly hurt due to her own selfishness.  (If anyone has a copy of her blog entry feel free to cut and paste it in the comments or PM it to me on Facebook and I'll post it here.)

Three more to go, folks.  I'll try to pull myself together enough to get 'em posted sooner rather than later.  Thanks for reading!

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