Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Fighting With Her Silence

One of the claims that Terri's supporters love to make is that she has spent the past 3.25 years "fighting with her silence".  The question is, fighting for whom?

Big Gaping Hole #2:
Is this how an innocent person acts
when her child is missing?

Terri on her way to court in 2010, getting ready to plead the 5th if needed.

It seems obvious - to me at least - that if you are not involved in a crime you would want to let the world know; especially if this crime involved the disappearance of a small boy you had helped raise for several years and who apparently called you Mom.  Not only that, it would seem you would be eager and willing to join that child's other family members in pleading for his return, planning and organizing searches, distributing informational materials and planning events to bring awareness to his disappearance, etc. etc. etc.

But Terri has done NOTHING.  To this day (three years, three months, and 29 days after Kyron disappeared on June 4, 2010)...

Terri has not publicly:
  • Said she had nothing to do with Kyron's disappearance
  • Said she loved Kyron
  • Said she wants Kyron found
  • Organized any searches for Kyon
  • Attended or participated in any searches for Kyron
  • Attended or participated in any awareness events for Kyron
In fact, Terri has pretty much done the opposite of what any loving parent would do if their child was missing.  She has remained steadfastly silent, hired a prominent criminal attorney even though she hasn't been charged with a crime, refused to cooperate with the investigation, hiddenlike a coward in her parents' Roseburg home, and has actually threatened to plead the FifthAmendment if asked any questions about the case.  Not only that, but she tried to stop her older son from giving a deposition about what he knew.  And just this week we learned that - despite her own attorney claiming in open court that someone besides Terri was the last person to be seen with Kyron - Terri refuses to provide any information to Kaine Horman about this mystery person despite the fact it might actually help find Kyron (not to mention exonerate her in his disappearance).

Terri's attorney claims she has evidence as to who "really" took Kyron, but won't provide that information to Kaine so he can find his son!

Is any of this the behavior of a loving mother or stepmother?  No, it's not.  It's the behavior of someone who wants to hide her involvement in a likely horrific crime.  Terri Horman is not "fighting with her silence" - she is doing everything she can to hinder the investigation into Kyron's disappearance and keep her butt out of prison.

Good luck with that, Terri.

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