Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Top Ten "Red Flags" Pointing to Terri Horman's Involvement

"You can connect the dots yourself.  
If you're a reasoning person you can 
come to your own opinion..."
(Tony Young - Kyron's stepfather - July 6, 2010)

The majority of suspicion in Kyron's disappearance has landed squarely on the shoulders of his stepmother: Terri Moulton Horman.   I also believe Terri is involved in this crime in some way.  I came to this conclusion after following the case since the weekend Kyron went missing, andlogically thinking through things as we learned them. At first I believed Terri was a railroaded stepmom who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.  But, over those first few weeks, my opinions changed.

Some friends and I created this list of red flags which we believe point to TH being involved in Kyron's disappearance.  Taken individually, nothing on this list definitively proves Terri's involvement.  However, taken as a whole it is very compelling.  In fact, it's hard to imagine all of this being mere coincidence as Terri and her friends like to claim.

1) Terri changed her alibi multiple times and couldn't remember that she had visited two stores and the gym that day, even though she was perfectly capable of remembering it in an e-mail she sent to a friend on June 5th.

2) A day after Kyron was taken, she wrote an e-mail to her friend giving an alibi and even stating she had a receipt. She expressed no concern for Kyron's safety or distress over him being taken. You'd think the day after a mother's stepchild was taken, she would be more concerned with finding her child than producing a receipt and giving an alibi.

"They're blaming me in the blogs!"
(Terri Horman - June 5, 2010)

3) In the days following Kyron's disappearance, she logged on to internet sites to defend herself. This clearly shows her focus in those early days was not on Kyron, but herself.

4) Only a few days after Kyron's disappearance, she referred to him in the past tense when she told Desiree that she loved her son.

5) She failed her first lie detector test, walked out on the second, and failed the third. Is there an innocent mother alive who would walk out on a LDT if her child was missing?  She also stopped cooperating with investigators.  If your child was missing and you were innocent wouldn't you cooperate?  Not just "sometimes" as the Sheriff stated Terri did?

6) Kaine obtained an emergency restraining order against Terri in which he alleged she had tried to arrange a "murder for hire" against him with a secret landscaper she had hired without his knowledge.  In the order, he also states he has been given probable cause by law enforcement to believe his wife was involved in Kyron's disappearance.  The restraining order has since beenextended, at least through June 2012.  Terri never fought the restraining order or the allegations within it, though she is perfectly within her legal rights to do so.  Isn't that what an innocent person would do?  Get into that courtroom and fight for her child?  Telling friends on the internet does not count.

7) She has gone almost two years without seeing her daughter, even though she has veryexperienced attorneys. These attorney, death penalty specialist Stephen Houze and expert family law attorney Peter Bunch, are perfectly capable of getting visitation for their innocent client, who did nothing against the law. That is, if she is innocent. If she is guilty, the best advice would be toremain silent and stay out of a courtroom.  Which is exactly what she has done.

"Young said Terri Horman told her 
something chilling after failing her first polygraph test.
'...she leaned over the chair and said 
I want you to know, I loved your son.' "  
(Desiree Young - Kyron's mom - June 1, 2011)

8) Just days after Kaine filed the restraining order and fled - with their young daughter - to safety, and while her stepson was still missing, Terri sexted a man she barely knew. She sent this man graphic pictures made references to her physical strength and sexual prowess.  She also admitted lying and asked the man she was sexting with to lie for her if he was questioned about a covert visit she had made to his house.

9) Although she told several people her daughter was sick and needed medicine, she told investigators she drove the baby around on rural roads for nearly 90 minutes and then  went to the gym and dropped her daughter off at the gym daycare.

10) In the weeks before Kyron disappeared, she sent emails to an extended family member. In those e-mail she expressed a severe hatred for Kyron and that she blamed her marital problems on him.

Later, I'll examine some of these points on a more in depth level.  As always, if you have corrections or things to add please feel free to comment.  While my name is on this blog, I hope it can become a collaboration among those of us who want just one thing: to help Kyron's family bring him home.  

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