Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Big Truck, Big Problem

It seems like a small detail, but it's not.  On the day Kyron disappeared, Terri swapped cars with Kaine - he drove her Mustang to work, and she borrowed his truck for reasons we'll explore below.

Big Gaping Hole #3:
Why did she drive the
truck that day? 
(Oh and the day before, too.)

Wanted: one big white truck.  Purpose: to transport a baby, a small child,
and a folding cardboard display.

There's been a lot of talk about the white Ford truck Terri Horman was driving on the day Kyron disappeared.  (The white truck actually belonged to her husband, Kaine.  Terri's regular ride was a red Ford Mustang.)  In this 2010 Oregonlive audio interview, Kaine confirms a few things about the truck:
  • Terri borrowed the truck on June 3, 2010 to drop off the science fair project at the school
  • Terri borrowed the truck again on June 4, 2010 to pick upthe project
  • The project was to be on display until 10:00 a.m. on June 4
  • Terri left the school - in the truck - on June 4 but did not take the project with her
  • Terri never returned to the school that day to pick up the project (or Kyron)
Please, someone, tell me how this makes sense.  Let's assume that the Mustang was too small to both transport the science fair project safely to the school and get it home safely on Friday.  Why, then, did she not pick up the project on Friday, if that's the specific reason she borrowed the danged truck in the first place?!  Perhaps Kaine says it best:

"Why would you need the truck to pick it up if it had to stay there? You pick it up after school. So, take the truck after school to go pick him [Kyron] up and the project, but why would you go pick up the project at 8:45 before the science fair even starts? It makes no sense."

You're right, Kaine, it makes no sense.

Now, some people might say...well, maybe she couldn't make it back there to pick up the truck.  Maybe because the baby was sick.  Or maybe she planned to pick it up on Monday.  Except that Desiree herself stated that the plan was that Kyron was going to bring the science fair project to her house on Friday evening to show it to her.  So Terri knew that she needed to pick up the project so Desiree could see it.  Again, it makes no sense.

But, once again, let's give Terri the benefit of the doubt.  Let's say she had a sick baby and had to leave the school earlier than planned - without the science fair project.  Why didn't she just go back later and pick it up?
Opportunities Terri had to pick up the science fair project:
  • During that mysterious 90 minutes of missing time when she was driving around in the vicinity of Skyline School trying to get the baby to sleep
  • On the way home from the gym (she would have had to drive practically right by the school)
  • When Kaine came home early from work that day (she could even have sent him to get it - and Kyron)
Yet, she never picked it up.  You have to wonder why.  It's almost like she knew they wouldn't need it to show to Desiree that evening.  It's almost like she knew they wouldn't be driving Kyron to meet his mom later that day.  It's almost like - gasp - she didn't actually ever intend to pick it up in the first place.

Which begs the question: why did Terri need the truck that day?

I guess this is one of those pesky details Terri will someday clean up for us when she decides to clear her name, right?  I'm not holding my breath.

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